Every moment of every day you make a choice. You can select pain and frustration or happiness and joy. Are your choices helping you, or are they keeping you small? Join podcast host, meditation instructor and author Tomás Garza as he takes you on a spiritual deeper dive, and reach the next level in your personal growth. Allow yourself to open to a whole new level of experience. Gain confidence, true power, and certainty. Make the simple choice. Decide to Transform.

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
The spiritual path takes vulnerability and courage. So does any endeavor in personal growth.
Courage to do what, specifically?
Courage to honestly examine your life, and to realize that the way you've been doing things isn't working for you. In other words, it isn't bringing you constant, lasting happiness.
Also, let's include vulnerability, the courage to ask for help.
This episode is about admitting that you don't have all the answers and asking for help, because help is most definitely available.
You can ask for help in a conversation with a human teacher, or you can ask for it via prayer. Either way, this vulnerability is tremendous for learning to set the ego aside. The ego wants you to think you have all the answers, that you're a rugged individualist who doesn't need anyone else.
How is that working out for you, though?
This episode is a salute and a huge shout out to all of you on the path, who have shown vulnerability and courage and have begun the process we all ultimately go through. It can be scary, yes, especially when we consider that most of us are absolutely not conditioned in our societies to be vulnerable. Showing it requires the utmost courage.
And I thank you for that.
Rev. Tomás Garza is a Spiritual Teacher, Coach, and SolePath Certified Mentor. He is also a bestselling Author. As a longtime meditator and student of various world spiritual traditions, he enjoys offering people a safe and powerful space for taking a deep dive with themselves and healing the illusion of separation. What else? He and his wife Cindy love hiking, heat, and poolside coffee. They live in Surprise, Arizona.
For a glimpse into serious vulnerability and courage from an all-male cast, pick up your copy of Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories, available now in paperback and ebook!
Here's to vulnerability and courage on the path! Blooming barrel cactus, Saguaro National Park, Arizona

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Yes, that's right. The theme of this episode is chill, calmness, relaxation, and being a chilled-out human. Fun!
I offer this short episode in response to a frequent question. It goes like this: "Dude, how are you so chill? I mean seriously, how is it that you're so relaxed?"
The very first thing I can say is that, well, I just am. Now, how can you be more relaxed in your life, and what are the benefits to you if you are? That's the more important question.
This conversation is all about you. Even if your day isn't going as you'd hoped it would, how can you bring just a touch more peace and tranquility to your experience?
One thing I invite you to do is avoid comparative reality. Just because someone else, say the Dalai Lama, appears calmer than you are doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. It doesn't mean you're doing life incorrectly. Comparisons don't help us; after all, the Dalai Lama has been meditating much longer than most of us!
What are the benefits of being just a bit calmer? For one thing, relaxation helps all of our physical systems immensely. Emotionally and psychologically, when we take the time for peaceful relaxation we begin to notice a gap between stimulus and response. What I mean by that is things that once caused you to fly off the handle may now affect you less, or there's a longer gap between the event and your response to it, i.e. no knee-jerk habitual reaction. This gap opens up mental and psychological space for you to make a different decision.
Over time, this is huge.
So how do you do it? Meditation is one way, so is a walk outside, exercise, yoga, sitting down to read or listening to music, you name it. The right answer is whatever works for you.
Being chill can really, really help you. I invite you give some thought to how you could bring more peace and calmness to your life, then go out and create it.
Please join me.
[And PS: Please enjoy the Air Force jet flyovers at a couple of points in the recording. I have chosen not to edit these out and hereby offer them to you. The flyovers, which are completely random here in the west Phoenix metro area, happened to be very close to the ground on the day of recording, and presented me with an excellent opportunity to remain chill. Things are not always as we'd have them be. Enjoy!]
Rev. Tomás Garza is a podcaster, spiritual teacher and coach, and a SolePath Certified Mentor. He invites the deeper exploration--you know, the vulnerable stuff--and will happily serve as a safe space and guide for this critical exploration.
He and his wife Cindy are avid hikers and lovers of heat and sunshine. Hence, they live in Arizona.
For more information and to contact Rev. Tomás, please visit https://tomasgarza.com .
What brings you a sense of calm? Poolside, Surprise, Arizona

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
When we think of healing in the world, we tend to think of the physical body, the curing of illness, the mending of a broken bone. This indeed constitutes healing. Today on the show, I invite you to ponder another, more expansive definition.
Healing is of the mind. The physical body may or may not follow (though it typically does.)
How do we heal the mind? By allowing it to be healed, by accepting healing for ourselves. In truth we are whole and complete just as we are; we have only to allow this to be. We allow truth to be just as it is.
Please join me for a short discussion of healing and your own power to perform it--yes, your own power.
This will be the first of many discussions on this topic. As always, with questions or comments please feel free to reach out, and to visit me on my website for more information.
Thank you,
Rev. Tomás
Rev. Tomás Garza is an Ordained Minister of Metaphysical Sciences, Author, Spiritual Teacher, and SolePath Certified Mentor. He specializes in helping people awaken their own healing power for a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.
He began a meditation practice in the most unlikely place--high school geometry class--and loves hiking, the desert, and beautiful sunsets. He and his wife Cindy live in Surprise, Arizona.
Rev. Tomás would love to hear from you. For any questions about this show, topics you would like to see addressed on Decide to Transform, or for further information about his programs and offerings, please email him: tomas@tomasgarza.com
Trust that healing is more than you imagine it to be, and awaken your ability to heal. Landscape and sky, Sedona, Arizona

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Spirituality is universal. It applies to everybody.
It also applies equally to everybody, that is maximally. Spirituality is always on; it never switches off, even if we seem to. We could run off and hide for as long as we wish, but the universal never goes anywhere. That is why it's known as "universal."
Please join me for this message of accessibility and inclusivity. There is no one excluded from these discussions, no matter what somebody's background may be. No one owns the truth. It is not property.
This theme arises on a constant basis in my teachings. If you are content with your path and the spiritual tradition or traditions you follow, I invite you take a deeper dive. There is always another layer to uncover, that is until you have peeled them all away. If you are searching, I invite you to keep searching; we are blessed to live in the 21st Century with the internet and all of our modern technology; every spiritual tradition in the world is readily accessible.
As always, I appreciate your joining me and happy practicing!
Rev. Tomás
Rev. Tomás Garza is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and SolePath Certified Mentor. He has hosted Decide to Transform since 2019, and he helps people discover and live their sacred purpose through taking a deep dive into their spirituality.
For more information on how you can work with Rev. Tomás, visit his website:
Spirituality is universal. Cottonwood and moon, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
What are miracles?
Great question. Of all the many topics of world spirituality, this always rises to the top of any list of the most attractive. But what are they, actually?
We think of examples like people being cured of a supposedly incurable disease. We also think of levitation, bending spoons, or if we're Star Wars fans, Yoda or Luke Skywalker moving boulders with just the power of their own thought.
The truth is that miracles are far more accessible than that. One need not be a Jedi Master. Each of us is fully capable of miracles right here, right now. In fact, miracles are our birthright. We should expect them.
In this episode please join me for a message of personal empowerment. It is merely a statement of truth. You are a miracle worker.
I lean heavily on A Course in Miracles for this material. In fact, the definition I use stems directly from the Course.
A miracle is any shift from fear to love, from the ego to God, from light to dark, from death to life. Any shift. Each and every one is equally powerful. If you find yourself unable to levitate, no problem: a miracle worker you remain.
Again, miracles are far more accessible than you may imagine. Join me, and work them.
Rev. Tomás Garza is a Spiritual Teacher and Mentor as well as a published Author, Podcaster, and Meditation Instructor. As a teacher of A Course in Miracles, Rev. Tomás invites you step into your power and explore ideas you may never have consciously held about yourself, yet know deep down to be true.
Also a SolePath certified Mentor, avid hiker, and lover of hot climates, Rev. Tomás lives with his wife Cindy in Surprise, Arizona.
For information on Rev. Tomás, SolePath, and A Course in Miracles, please visit his website: https://tomasgarza.com
You are a miracle worker. Ray of sunlight, Vulture Peak Ghost Town, Arizona

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
What is nonduality?
What isn't it?
Both are perfect questions, and neither can be answered in words. Nonduality is beyond all symbols and concepts; it simply is.
That being the case, let's use some words to talk about it, why don't we?
On this episode of Decide to Transform I take you on a short journey through the truth of all that is. Nonduality underlies all spirituality because it is all that truly exists. In other words, there truly is only oneness--the hippies and reggae artists aren't just making this up!
Ultimate Truth (Absolute Truth if you're familiar with the Buddhist terminology) cannot be pinpointed with words, but it can be experienced. Spirituality, therefore, is all about experience. Yes, it is important to understand spiritual ideas on an intellectual level, but the intellect can only take you so far.
Many traditions discuss and encourage the experience of nonduality. In practice, it involves dropping our pretenses, judgments, and self-concepts and allowing Truth to be just as it is. As many teachers will say, spirituality is quite simple: we have only to allow Truth to be.
What makes this seem complicated? Our own concepts and judgments, our ideas about ourselves and the world that have absolutely no bearing on reality, but which we defend as though they were reality itself.
Join me on this brief but informative journey. Many spiritual traditions have a pronounced nondual focus (for example several traditions of Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta and A Course in Miracles.) I invite you to delve into one of them and awaken to the presence of Love. It has always been, even as we have wandered elsewhere.
Please enjoy the earlier shows from Season Five and past seasons, including the dozens of interviews with leading men and women in the field of personal growth and spirituality! Season Five kicks off with short episodes covering the basis of my own spiritual teachings, of which this show is number 4 of 7.
Rev. Tomás Garza is a Spiritual Coach and Mentor who started a personal practice of meditation in high school Geometry class, where his teacher, an old hippie, had everybody meditate. He is a Certified SolePath Mentor, Author, and Minister of Metaphysical Sciences. He and his wife Cindy are avid hikers and lovers of hot climates. They live in Surprise, Arizona.
Visit Rev. Tomás on his website: https://tomasgarza.com
Nonduality is reality. Lilacs in bloom, Benton County, Oregon

Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Disarm. That's my word.
Yes, the subject of today's show is a verb. So is spirituality, when you think about it. Spirituality is an action verb.
How is this? It involves our active decision-making each and every moment. As we see throughout the spiritual path, every moment presents us with an opportunity to choose Love or fear, God or the ego, etc. This choice is active and immediate.
When we choose Love, we lay our weapons aside. We set aside our judgment, blame, petty vendettas, etc. Even if we only do it for a split second, still we disarm ourselves.
What we discover is that disarming feels good. It induces positive feelings in the moment and leads to happy outcomes. Do you not want more of these on the path?
Of course you do! I invite you, then, to disarm.
Rev. Tomás Garza is a SolePath Certified Mentor, Spiritual Coach and Teacher, Meditation Instructor, Author and Podcaster living in Surprise, Arizona.
Tomás welcomes your questions and comments, and would be happy to hop on a free call with you to discuss anything of importance to you on your spiritual journey.
email: tomas@tomasgarza.com
Facebook: Tomás Garza
YouTube: Tomás Garza
Instagram: @tomasgarzateacher
Spirituality is disarmingly simple, blooming ocotillo, Sonoran Desert, Arizona

Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
When it comes to spiritual practice, the power of decision cannot be understated. It is both central and immediate, with far-reaching implications. In short, it is huge.
The world seems to present us with many decisions: what to make for dinner tonight, Netflix or Hulu, chicken or beef, the list goes on. While it seems we face a million decisions, in truth we have one decision to make, and we have only two options.
Every moment of our lives, we choose either love or fear, light or dark, God or the ego, life or death, our higher Self or our cut-off little self, etc. This applies universally, i.e. to all of us, all the time, regardless of religious or spiritual background.
The choice we make then shows us more of the same. If we choose a fit of rage, we see a world enraged. If we choose love, we see a loving world. What appears to be outside of us reflects our choice back to us. What is really happening is that we are shaping our experience, based entirely on our choice in the present moment.
Our decision matters. The beauty of it is that when we discover we have chosen fear in the past, we always have the present moment to make a different choice. We can always choose Love. We have a continuous opportunity to do it again and again. The past is gone, after all.
Rev. Tomás Garza is an Ordained Minister, Spiritual Teacher, Coach, Podcaster, Meditation Instructor, Author, and SolePath Certified Mentor. An avid hiker and lover of hot climates, he and his wife Cindy live in Surprise, Arizona.
Contact Rev. Tomás
YouTube: Tomás Garza
Facebook: Tomás Garza
Instagram: @tomasgarzateacher
To Purchase Your Copy of "Decide": Decide

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Welcome back to Decide to Transform!
After a five-month break, I'm coming back to the mic with some new and exciting, shorter episodes. I'll be coming to you solo, and speaking from my heart and my own experience on spirituality and the journey we all find ourselves on. This is, unbelievably, Season Five.
This first episode is all about simplicity. As I show up in the world and teach, I find a number of themes coalescing, ideas that apply to every video I shoot and to every talk I give. Simplicity is one of them.
We complicate everything needlessly. We are the ones who invent layers and gradations of experience, judging each one as "less than" or "better than," comparing and contrasting as though each item were a sole and separate entity. They are not.
Spiritual practice is simple: either we choose Love or we choose fear in the present moment. Not yesterday, not next weekend, but now. It only appears that we have billions of choices before us; we have just one, and the choice we make governs our entire experience.
Call this choice what you will: Love or fear, God or the ego, light or dark, life or death, Higher Self or little self, etc. It is the same for all of us.
Such is the basis of spiritual practice, which of course is moment-to-moment, because the present moment is all there is.
So, here is the question: what are you choosing?
I welcome your questions! Nothing is off limits. I invite you to shoot me an email at tomas@tomasgarza.com .
To check out all of my links, visit https://linktr.ee/TOMASGARZA

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Suzanne La Voie Sammon- Your Inner Tourism Journey
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
What is your inner tour guide telling you?
Are you listening?
Are you aware that you have an inner tour guide?
Suzanne La Voie Sammon is aware. She is listening, and she invites you to explore with her on this very special episode of Decide to Transform.
With over 30 years of experience in service-driven positions, including hospitality, Suzanne has realized that each of us has a unique, living story, and that we all find ourselves on an inner tourism journey.
Join us as Suzanne talks about her love of travel and her own journeys. She invites and encourages each of us to explore, to take leaps of faith, and to stay open. On our inner journeys we are in the process of re-creating ourselves.
Also, Suzanne talks about her love of writing and the creative freedom it affords (she is best-selling solo and compilation author.) She reminds you that you can be who you want to be in life.
Enjoy the journey!
Suzanne La Voie Sammon is an enthusiastic traveler and seasoned writer with a huge zest for life. She is a best-selling solo and compilation author and currently serves as editor, ghostwriter, and proofreader for an international publishing company. She also has a love for helping customers and guests have epic experiences, especially though communication and attention to individual needs and preferences.
Suzanne has recently founded Highrise Tourism, which helps to promote service industry businesses. For more information, visit the Highrise Tourism website:
email: suzanne@highrisetourism.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suzanne.sammon