Every moment of every day you make a choice. You can select pain and frustration or happiness and joy. Are your choices helping you, or are they keeping you small? Join podcast host, meditation instructor and author Tomás Garza as he takes you on a spiritual deeper dive, and reach the next level in your personal growth. Allow yourself to open to a whole new level of experience. Gain confidence, true power, and certainty. Make the simple choice. Decide to Transform.
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Transformation 101: The Ego
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
What is the ego, and why does it concern us?
The ego is nothing but a mistake. Unfortunately for all of us, it governs our lives--but it doesn't have to. Spiritual practice in all its forms can help us to recognize and cancel this psychological construct, which we could choose to leave behind just as easily as we choose to embrace it.
Join us this week on Decide to Transform as we delve deeper into the concept of the ego. We will talk about its manifestations in detail, as well as walk through ways to abandon it, but all of it comes down to a choice, that of unification over fear, Love over separation. This is the choice we get to make every moment of every day, and if we miss one opportunity, we can rest assured that we will have another.
You have another, right now.
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on March 17, 2020.)
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Transformation 101: Love and Fear
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Every moment of every day we get to make a choice. No, it is not a choice among varieties of potato chips at the store, or which TV show to watch this evening. Instead, it is a choice between Love or fear, between happiness or endless limitations.
Can life really be this simple? Yes, it is simple. Very simple.
You will notice I did not say it is easy. Simple and easy are not the same thing. As human beings, we complicate matters by identifying with and buying into our limiting stories.
These limiting stories take many forms, among them statements such as "I'm too old," "I'm too young," "I'm busy," or "It's just not for me." There are many varieties.
So, then, how does one recognize these limiting stories and learn to believe something positive and empowering instead? Tune in to this episode to find out!
Also, tune in to hear about the benefits of choosing Love, every moment of every day.
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on March 10, 2020.)
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
The Beginning of Something: Seasons in Our Lives
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
In this episode we continue with the theme of change (see the last show, "The End of Something: Seasons in Our Lives.")
This show, aired live on OMTimes Radio on March 3, 2020, was the first show done from our new house in Phoenix, Arizona. After traveling for over two years, we arrived in Arizona just before the shutdowns associated with COVID-19. As the shutdowns drew near and we raced to have a washer and dryer and a couch delivered, I took a pause to reflect on the beginning of a new season, and how the same uncertainties arise at the beginning of a stage in life as arise at the end.
If you have ever considered making a major change in life circumstances, whether through travel or another means, you will want to tune in to this show. It may motivate you!
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on March 3, 2020.)
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
The End of Something: Seasons in Our Lives
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
In this episode of Decide to Transform we explore the notion of seasons, and of change. This show aired on OMTimes Radio on February 25, 2020, the day before a season ended.
The season in question was a two-and-a-half-year period of travel and residency in Mexico, mainly in the state of Yucatán. During the show I examine the notion of change and the benefits it can bring, as well as people's hangups and fears about it. Throughout the two-and-a-half year period, my wife Cindy and I would frequently hear from people who admired our bravery, and in the same breath said they could never do what we did.
My question: why not?
Join me as I take you through a journey, and share the lessons I learned by taking a wild leap of faith, selling my house in the United States, and traveling. I am very glad I did.
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on February 25, 2020.)
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Cindy Garza- Our Concepts Around Health, Wellness, and Spirituality
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Join me as I welcome back Cindy Garza as my special guest on the show. In the last episode Cindy and I explored the interrelationship of Health, Wellness, and Spirituality, and we are back today to talk about what gets in our way, namely our limiting concepts.
What we tell ourselves and the concepts we formulate have a direct bearing on our health and wellbeing. From her experience as a women's gym owner, yoga and Pilates instructor, and transformational wellness coach, Cindy shares with us the most common concepts and limiting beliefs around health, wellness, and spirituality, and how we can identify and move past them.
From weight loss to strength training to greater activity and everything in between, Cindy helps you incorporate spiritual practice into your life for greater overall abundance. To your health!
Contact Cindy on her Facebook page for Awaken Opportunities Coaching
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on February 18, 2020.)
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Cindy Garza- Health, Wellness, and Spirituality
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Join me for this edition of Decide to Transform as I welcome a very special guest: my wife Cindy Garza.
Cindy is a Transformational Wellness Coach who specializes in helping people create health and wellness in their lives. On this show, she shares with us the critical importance of spirituality to health and wellness. Many people associate health with the body, but it is so much more than that--without a healthy mind and healthy spirit, one is not really well, and an idea like wellness will always remain elusive.
Cindy invites you to pull yourself off of any negative emotional treadmills you may find yourselves on. She openly shares her own spiritual journey, what this has involved, and all of the positive transformation it has brought her.
Please do not neglect this most important component of human experience.
Cindy Garza is a Transformational Health and Wellness Coach. She is a certified Yoga and Pilates instructor, and ran a women's health club for 21 years in McMinnville, Oregon.
Contact Cindy on her Facebook page "Awaken Opportunities Coaching." https://www.facebook.com/awakenopportunitiescoaching/
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on February 11, 2020.)
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Commit to Loving Yourself
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
The title says it all. This is what I hope you will do: Commit to Loving Yourself.
Why is this important? Well, the world needs you at your level best. Yes, some days will be more energetic than others, but even on a day when you feel sick or tired or overwhelmed, you can choose to do everything in your power to be the best you can be. This means the most loving you can be, the strongest, the most grounded, etc.
Loving yourself will allow you to truly love others, because in loving yourself and paying attention to it you will keep yourself replenished. Do you know someone who neglects themself and gives and gives and gives to others? What is their energy like after a while? How effective are they? Perhaps this person is you. How do you feel?
Loving yourself is a commitment. For many it does not come naturally. It is a decision well worth making, however, and there are many ways to remember this commitment once you have made it. Join me on this edition of Decide to Transform to find out more.
Commit to Loving Yourself, and see your world brighten.
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on February 4, 2020.)
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Lisa Berry- Self-Talk Transformation: Unconscious Success
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Join me on this episode for an encore appearance by my close friend and business partner Lisa Berry. Lisa appeared three shows ago for "Self-Talk Transformation: How to Talk Yourself out of Failure and into Success."
We continue with the theme of self-talk transformation. By noticing your self-sabotaging statements, you can begin to consciously turn them around. How, though, do you come to make this a habit?
Lisa takes us through the journey on this episode, the transition from unconscious self-sabotage to noticing, from conscious self-sabotage to conscious self-empowerment through the implementation and practice of any number of steps, and finally from conscious effort to unconscious success, the creation of a new set of habits.
The benefits of creating healthy self-talk are limitless. Most of our stumbling in life is the result of our own doing, and it all too often starts between the ears. What we say to ourselves matters.
Lisa Berry is the radio show host of Light on Living and a podcast producer in Podcast Prosperity. She is a longtime life coach and holistic nutritionist, and specializes in breathing life into people's dreams and creative ideas.
Reach out to Lisa via email at: lisa@lightonliving.com
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on January 28, 2020.)
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Selfish in a Good Way: The Importance of Self-Care
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Nobody wants to consider themselves selfish, but in some ways we all should.
Yes, I said that: be selfish.
Today's episode deals with the all-important subject of self-care. Too many people neglect this component of life, to the detriment of all.
What constitutes self-care varies from person to person, and each person values it differently. Unfortunately, some do not value it at all. Are you one of these?
In this show I stress the importance of a good self-care ritual, because it should rise to the level of ritual, i.e. something you practice every day. The analogy I like to use is that of an oxygen mask on an airplane. You know the flight attendants' speech: Put your own mask on first, then assist others. Ever think about why they say this, and how it applies to self-care?
People need you at your best. If you pass out at 30,000 feet because you weren't addressing your own needs for oxygen, who will assist your kids? In life, if you neglect yourself, it's not just you that suffers. Not taking care of yourself is brutally selfish, a detriment to us all.
Please, value your own self-care. Today we go through a simple and fairly comprehensive list of small items that constitute self-care. My hope is that you see how simple these are, and how easily these life-giving rituals may be adopted.
Invest in your self-care. Be selfish, in a good way.
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on January 21, 2020.)
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Creating Some Space: Techniques for De-stressing
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Need to de-stress?
If so, then tune in to this edition of Decide to Transform. You will come away with at least one thing you can do right now, today, to de-escalate your life and clear some valuable space in your mind and emotions.
Stress can come to rule us. In today's world, it is often seen as a badge of honor. We somehow receive societal kudos for telling everybody how "stressed out" we are. Well, guess what? If you tell anyone you're stressed, you become stressed. Do you wish this for yourself?
Our focus creates our reality, so take some time out of your day and tune in to this show. Focus on de-stressing instead. Who said it was cool in life to juggle plates?
Human beings are not meant to juggle plates.
So, what techniques are we talking about? Many, in fact, and on this show we will look at several. While these techniques include practices like sitting meditation, there are many more, including simple things such as taking five minutes to listen to a relaxing song, or in my case on the day the show first aired, a relaxing stroll on the beach.
De-stressing is much easier than most of us think, and the benefits far outweigh the minimal time investment. Put your plates down today and join me.
(This show originally aired on OMTimes Radio on January 14, 2020.)