Every moment of every day you make a choice. You can select pain and frustration or happiness and joy. Are your choices helping you, or are they keeping you small? Join podcast host, meditation instructor and author Tomás Garza as he takes you on a spiritual deeper dive, and reach the next level in your personal growth. Allow yourself to open to a whole new level of experience. Gain confidence, true power, and certainty. Make the simple choice. Decide to Transform.
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Join me on Decide to Transform as I welcome my very first guest onto the show!
Lisa Berry is a longtime friend and host of the show Light on Living on OMTimes Radio. Lisa is also life coach, holistic nutritionist, and podcast producer in Podcast Prosperity.
On the show Lisa walks us through a very important subject: self-talk transformation. If we think about even for a moment, it is obvious that we spend a good portion of our lives in active self-sabotage. Without meaning to, we get in our own way of progress and success with our own self-talk.
What are you telling yourself? That you can't? That you are too old, too young, not capable, not smart enough? We limit ourselves constantly with our negative self-talk. What would happen, though, if you knew how to turn it all around?
Lisa shares some of her personal techniques and secrets for transforming her self-talk, getting from a place of frustration to a place of purpose and ease. Her techniques are easy to adopt, and with some attention can form the basis of habits that encourage your success, not hinder it.
Talk yourself out of failure and into success. Talk yourself out of misery and into happiness.
*Contact Lisa at lisa@lightonliving.com , or visit her online at http://lightonliving.com .
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on January 7, 2020.)
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
It's a Process: Things You Can Do, Part III
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Join me as I wrap up the list of practical items of transformation, things you can do right now, today, to get started on a completely different existence. If you commit to even one of these items and work on it as often as you remember it every day, that is indeed what you will be looking at--a different existence.
This list stems from the final chapter of my book Decide , where you can find the list in its entirety.
Happy Transformation!
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on December 31, 2019.)
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
It's a Process: Things You Can Do, Part II
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Join me for part II of our list of practical tools for personal transformation, seemingly small items that, when performed consistently over time, equal lifelong change and massive transformation.
This list is derived from the final chapter of my book Decide. Item by item, I take you through these often-overlooked activities and provide examples of how you can put them into play in your life. Some of them you might not have thought about before. Take note of those that grab you now; you can begin putting them into action right away.
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on December 24, 2019.)
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
It's a Process: Things You Can Do
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
When it comes to making lasting changes, people seldom do themselves any favors. Sticking with a process of personal growth turns out to be hard, more than we can handle sometimes--or so we tell ourselves.
The truth is that we can handle growth and change. We may resist it, sure, but we can certainly accomplish it. It is not impossible because we can do it in small steps, in bite-sized pieces, if you will. Total awakening is rarely accomplished in a single blinding flash. Why put that kind of pressure on yourself?
In the final chapter of my book Decide I run through a list of practical things we can do to start a process of change in our lives. Whether you're interested in a career change, a change in relationships, or a shift in your personal health, it is all accomplished one step at a time. No step is too large because in fact they are all small. Take one, then the next one.
Transformation is a process. Commit to it, and decide every moment of every day to take another step on your journey. Took that step? Good. Take the next one. While you're listening, I invite you to take note of which of these steps resonate with you, in other words which ones you can put into action.
(This episode originally aired on OMTimes Radio on December 17, 2019.)
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
The Power of Decision
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Each of us holds more power than we give ourselves credit for. Racing about in a frenzied and chaotic existence, we often believe the world is happening to us, and that we are simply reacting to a cruel parade of circumstance, trying to tread water, hanging on.
In reality, we are not victims. We create our own reality. If we choose to play the role of victim, that is our choice. If we take responsibility for our experience, that is our choice also.
We all hold the power of decision. Moment to moment, we get to choose. Do we choose Love or fear, God or the ego, peace or bitter conflict? These are the choices; there are only two. Which do we select? Choose wisely, and we grow and transform. Choose unwisely, and we limit ourselves, consigning ourselves to and endless round of frustration.
The round of frustration is not endless, however. Each of us can choose to end it. The Power of Decision is ours; let us exercise it.
[This episode aired on OMTimes Radio on December 10, 2019]
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Divine Timing
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
December 3, 2019 marked both my second live show on OMTimes Radio and the sixth anniversary of a brutal car accident that re-configured my world.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 began as just a normal day. You know: get up, shower, get dressed, have coffee, have breakfast, get in the car to go to work (for me this was a teaching a class in a nearby city.) I never made it to class; I woke up in the hospital instead.
Many people have been involved in a serious car accident; not all of them have survived. I was fortunate in that I did. Join me on this special anniversary show as I share my story of recovery, which involved learning to walk again, and highlight the many elements of divine timing in the whole experience. The Universe always has our back, but it sometimes needs to get our attention. Pay attention, and wonderful things can happen.
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Deeper Questions, Deeper Answers
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Please enjoy my debut episode of Decide to Transform, which aired live on OMTimes Radio November 26, 2019.
Personal transformation in any arena of life (relationships, health, job and career, spiritual) involves a decision, a decision to ask more of ourselves. In other words, we need to ask deeper questions. These in turn lead to deeper answers, the answers we are looking for.
It all begins with a decision. Moment-to-moment, we have a choice. It may seem that at any given time we have thousands of options to choose from (such as at a department store or a supermarket) but in truth we have only two choices: Love or fear, happiness or disillusionment, joy or pain. This is it: just two choices. The choice we make determines our present experience.
Does this mean it is possible to re-wire ourselves? Yes, absolutely! In time, we can develop the habit of always choosing Love, so that it becomes our default, the new normal.
First, of course, we have to ask the deeper questions.