Every moment of every day you make a choice. You can select pain and frustration or happiness and joy. Are your choices helping you, or are they keeping you small? Join podcast host, meditation instructor and author Tomás Garza as he takes you on a spiritual deeper dive, and reach the next level in your personal growth. Allow yourself to open to a whole new level of experience. Gain confidence, true power, and certainty. Make the simple choice. Decide to Transform.
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Erik Roth- Shamanic Astrology
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Join my special guest Erik Roth for a fascinating discussion of Shamanic Astrology.
Prior to meeting Erik a year ago, I had no idea Shamanic Astrology existed. Like many people, I had been aware of different schools of thought within the Astrology community, but not a branch as holistic and comprehensive as this one.
Erik is an experienced practitioner of Shamanic Astrology. To hear him discuss the alchemical, archetypal and magical/ceremonial dance of the stars and planets is a treat indeed. He reminds us that each of us is in a relationship to the sky and stars, and should we choose to cultivate this relationship, a beautiful world can emerge.
Join us for this inspiring and beautiful look at the Three Worlds, shamanism, archetypes, and astrology as they blend to form a comprehensive whole. Also listen as Erik talks about the practice of Shamanic Astrology, how he helps clients, and how he can help you.
Since 2010, Erik M. Roth has been providing astrological services as a Shamanic Astrologer, teacher, and author. He spent 9 years as the Managing Director of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.
He comes from the lineage of Daniel Giamario's Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, a system of astrology that is holistic, archetypally-driven and founded upon the "Three Worlds," one of the main principles of this system of astrology.
Exploring the alchemical and archetypal, magical/ceremonial qualities of the stars, planets and astrology has been a natural outgrowth of Erik's ongoing vision quest of understanding the nature of who and what we are as souls inhabiting earth as a physical body.
For those of you in the Austin, Texas area on July 17 and 18, Erik will have a booth at the BodyMindSpirit Expo. Stop by and meet him!
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Fatima Katz- A Psychic in Corporate America
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Fatima Katz is a psychic in corporate America. While undoubtedly she is not alone, to her it has certainly felt like it.
Culturally Egyptian, Fatima was born in Chicago. As a child, she spent summers in Egypt with her family, which includes several generations of psychics.
Fatima recognized her own psychic ability around age three or four, when she found that she knew the core of human suffering.
Islam, the majority religion in Egypt, frowns on psychics. People, including Fatima's family, become concerned with gossip and often stifle their psychic abilities, leaving them unable to grow. As a girl Fatima found that when she expressed her psychic abilities, people didn't believe her, so she opted not to pursue them.
What ensued was a chronic feeling of "stuckness." For Fatima, this stifling energy was chronic. When she became pregnant with her firstborn at age 28, her psychic energy reawakened, and came on, as she describes it, "like gangbusters."
Fatima had found herself in corporate America, for all the usual reasons: the money, the benefits, societal conditioning, financial security, etc. As she continues to embrace her gifts, she finds herself transitioning out of the corporate arena. It has served its purpose.
Join us for a deeply interesting and powerful conversation. If you find yourself in a corporate job--or any situation that no longer serves you--we invite you to tune in. You are not crazy; what is inside you is real and authentic. It is legit.
Fatima Katz is an Executive Assistant in corporate America who also happens to be a Mediumistic Intuitive Reiki Practitioner. Culturally Egyptian, Fatima was born in Chicago.
Fatima joins me here on Decide to Transform for her first-ever guest appearance on a podcast!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysoulpurpose111/
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Dr. Garrett Goggans- Mindset Engineering: A Journey of Personal Discovery
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Dr. Garrett Goggans is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Mindset Coach who did not start out in these roles comfortably.
Garrett was once afraid to speak on stage, despite feeling deeply called to it. Can anyone relate? Social anxiety repeatedly got the best of him.
At one point, Garrett realized that in order to reach his goals and step into his calling, he needed to become a different person. He embarked on an in-depth journey of personal discovery, and in the process developed the Mindset Engineering that he now speaks about and coaches.
Mindset Engineering helps us to re-write our own blueprint. As we do, everything changes. Join us for an in-depth discussion of how this works, and hear how spiritual growth and personal development have helped Garrett reach the point where he is today, a place of effectiveness and deep connection.
As a Coach, Dr. Garrett Goggans refers to his work as "Mindset Engineering," and his passion for it has come from numerous life experiences that have brought him to the realization that our thoughts are the single most contributing factor to achieving success. People would often tell him that it felt like they were moving upstream without a paddle. Garrett has made it his mission in life to help others see that with the proper mindset they can propel themselves up that stream in such a manner that the paddle would never be needed. Through positivity, encouragement, and an overwhelming sense of faith he has helped others look past their current situations and find success in any endeavor.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
GP Walsh- Not Two: The Tradition and Practice of Advaita Vedanta
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
In this very special and unique episode of Decide to Transform, GP Walsh provides us with a rare, step-by-step primer on the ancient yet little-known spiritual tradition of Advaita Vedanta.
GP has been a practitioner and teacher of this tradition for decades, and offers us his unique insight into its philosophy and practice.
You may know this tradition as "Non-Dual Self Inquiry," "Compassionate Inquiry," or other moniker. "Advaita" in Sanskrit means "not two." It points to the experience of pure non-duality, the essence of life and spirituality itself. It cannot be spoken about, because it is beyond words. It cannot even be thought, because even thinking about something means you are not thinking about other things. In other words, it implies duality.
GP expertly walks us through this extraordinary tradition of which he is a dynamic exemplar. With his characteristic humor and true love for all life, GP takes us on a rare step-by-step journey to the experience of who we are. The Tao is you, pure You.
GP Walsh is a Master Spiritual Teacher and Meditator in a number of different traditions and healing modalities. He is especially known for his teachings in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. He is a monthly Executive Contributor to Decide to Transform.
GP's teachings present spirituality in a very easy-to-access, practical and heartfelt manner. His approach is highly effective in getting us to drop the inner war we all unknowingly and unwittingly wage against ourselves.
Please visit https://gpwalsh.com for more information on GP's many course offerings, guided meditations, musical compositions and more.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
GP Walsh- Curiosity and Exploration: My Spiritual Practice
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Have you ever been curious about the day-to-day spiritual practice of a true master teacher? Have you ever wondered what they do, what their day looks like?
If you answered yes, please tune in to this episode of Decide to Transform where GP Walsh joins me to discuss just this: his own spiritual practice.
You may know GP from his many courses and workshops, or from his weekly Satsang with G. In this conversation, he takes us through the foundations of his own practice.
Having practiced and taught for decades, meditation simply happens. It has become an integral part of life. Of course it didn't start out this way, and GP shares with us some of the historical development of his own spirituality.
In sum, spiritual practice is all about Curiosity and Exploration. We are all engaged in the process of becoming a Listener to all of the energies within us. Join us for this fascinating conversation to learn more.
GP Walsh is a Master Spiritual Teacher and Meditator in a number of different traditions and healing modalities. He is especially known for his teachings in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. He is a monthly Executive Contributor to Decide to Transform.
GP's teachings present spirituality in a very easy-to-access, practical and heartfelt manner. His approach is highly effective in getting us to drop the inner war we all unknowingly and unwittingly wage against ourselves.
Please visit https://gpwalsh.com for more information on GP's many course offerings, guided meditations, musical compositions and more.
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Deb Goldberg- Getting Out of Your Own Way
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
We all have many critics in life. Some people review our work and find it wanting. Others review our job performance and find that wanting. Still others judge us, label us, typecast us, etc. Not one of these people is our worst critic, however. Our worst critic is ourselves.
We clobber ourselves, beating ourselves up constantly. This applies to any facet of life. In spirituality, we are horribly impatient with ourselves; we expect ourselves to acquire the wisdom of Buddha in 15 minutes of distracted and wild meditation--and we are serious about it!
This is where we find ourselves in the world. We have made it this way. So, what can we do about it?
My guest on this episode, Deb Goldberg, knows from experience that it is possible--and necessary--to get out of our own way.
We suffer from a core belief that we are not enough. Nothing we do measures up. Spiritual practice shows us--if we are willing--that this belief is of the ego. In truth we are enough--we are more than enough.
Deb shows us that living and operating from a place of "enough" instead of scarcity is a matter of allowing. We have to trust our guides, God, Spirit, the Universe. We need a willingness to do something different, recognizing that what we're doing now isn't working. We have to ask open-hearted questions, trusting we will receive the answer. We always do.
Join Deb for a powerful and very, very important discussion. If you recognize that you get in your own way, tune in to this episode. You will learn a tremendous amount, and come away inspired to take action!
Deb Goldberg is a scribe and Messenger for God. She was a traditional clinical therapist for 18 years until a Spiritual Awakening by Jesus transformed her and changed her path to Spiritual Teacher, Coach and Author. She was taught God's Universal Love and Wisdom and brings that knowledge into her work to inspire others.
She is the author of a book series called A Divinely Ordered Life that was dictated by Jesus. Deb has hosted several video cast shows on social media to help people heal, inspire hope and connect to Divine Love.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2IDcf0z
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/REa43wQrluY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debbiengoldberg/
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron- Angelic Wisdom: Connecting to Non-Physical Guides
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Do you have a non-human, non-physical guide? More than one?
If you do, and even if you don't but you'd like to hear more about the experience, tune in to this episode of Decide to Transform as Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron, founder of WhiteLight Metaphysical Centre, takes us through the experience of connecting with and working with non-human guides.
Angels and other non-human guides have helped Carrie-Ann to heal emotional blockages, and provide constant guidance and support. She received her first message 12 years ago, and today serves as a teacher and a guide for people to connect with this powerful wisdom.
What is it like to work with non-physical guides? Tune in and hear Carrie-Ann tell us!
Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron, founder of WhiteLIght Metaphysical Centre, believes living life with ease and happiness is not only possible but is our natural flow state. She helps people achieve this by showing them how to connect with their higher selves, the spirit of others, the blessed earth, and the non-physical elements fo this world. With knowledge gained through various educational pursuits, and having navigated her way through a variety of life experiences, she is an expert at guiding others along their self-empowerment and spiritual journeys and teaching them how to trust their intuition, embrace their gifts, and discover their greatness.
WhiteLight Metaphysical Centre:
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron- SolePath: Your Spiritual Personality Profile
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
If you are not familiar with SolePath, you'll want to tune in to this episode!
Joining me as my special guest is Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron of WhiteLight Metaphysical Centre. Carrie-Ann is a SolePath Certified Mentor and shares with us its profound impact.
So, what is SolePath? It is your spiritual personality profile, in other words who you were meant to be.
Consider that prior to taking your current human form, you planned your life, what you came here specifically to work on, what brings you joy, and what energies you have mastered that will no longer bring you joy, so shouldn't be dwelled on. You may feel this to be true, you may not. Either way, there is much you can glean from knowing what brings you joy and resonates deeply with your innermost being.
How do I know this? I am familiar with SolePath myself. Let me tell you: it has revolutionized the way I look at all my activities, brought clarity I had been missing about all aspects of my experience, and showed me a straightforward path to step confidently and clearly into the role I was meant to play in this lifetime.
And what role is that? That of Compassionate Healer, supported by Intuitive Builder. These are two of many possible SolePaths. Join Carrie-Ann as she describes this incredible life hack, and how it contributes to truly understanding your greatness.
Carrie-Ann encourages you to stay curious. Take the next step. Find out who you were born to be.
Rev. Carrie-Ann Baron, founder of WhiteLIght Metaphysical Centre, believes living life with ease and happiness is not only possible but is our natural flow state. She helps people achieve this by showing them how to connect with their higher selves, the spirit of others, the blessed earth, and the non-physical elements fo this world. With knowledge gained through various educational pursuits, and having navigated her way through a variety of life experiences, she is an expert at guiding others along their self-empowerment and spiritual journeys and teaching them how to trust their intuition, embrace their gifts, and discover their greatness.
Get your unique SolePath reading!
Friday May 28, 2021
Gail Hamilton- Seeing Is Done with the Heart
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Gail Hamilton is blind.
Yes, she has played the victim. She has felt deprived, cheated, sorry for herself, but she has also moved beyond this. She has refused to be stuck and has embraced the role of creator.
We all create our own experience. We create our lives. No matter the circumstance, we are not victims. We are not the helpless playthings of fate. We have free will--and we have never lost it.
On this very special episode of Decide to Transform, Gail shares with us her process of moving through victimhood. The opposite of victimhood, of course, is creation. The opposite of closed is open, and the opposite of blame is taking responsibility.
Gail has remained committed to this transformation despite significant resistance from sighted people, many of whom have labeled her, pigeon-holed her into limited and select roles, and have underestimated her dynamism and creative ability.
Join us for a humorous and very hard-hitting episode. Gail's message is uplifting: we do not need our eyes to see. Seeing is done with the heart.
Gail Hamilton is an internationally-recognized motivational virtual and live speaker certified through the National Speakers Association. She is the accomplished author of Soaring into Greatness: A Blind Woman's Vision to Live Her Dreams and Fly. She is also a powerful singer, having sung two leading roles in two major opera productions, La Bohème and La Traviata.
Gail believes that if you change the way you see, you will change the way you live.
For more information about Gail and to book her as a speaker for your organization, contact her here:
Friday May 21, 2021
Jessica Compton- Tree of Stars: A Message of Hope
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Join me for a very special co-hosted episode of Decide to Transform as Lisa Berry and I welcome Jessica Compton to the show!
Jessica is an experienced child and youth worker and an Elementary School Educational Assistant. In addition, Jessica is the founder and director of Tree of Stars.
Tree of Stars promotes mental heath awareness and addiction recovery by telling stories through music, art, and resources. Jessica began Tree of Stars in 2017 and has touched countless lives.
Jessica's story is remarkable. Abandoned, abducted, abused, an addict, ADHD, and arrested 4 times, Jessica has transformed into a bona fide community leader over the years. Now ,she shares a message of hope.
Art therapy and photography were particularly helpful to Jessica. At one point, she began reaching out to artists and musicians, understanding that we can all save ourselves together.
Join us as Jessica shares some of the raw details of her story. Also, a message: if you know you need help, reach out. It is always available.
Jessica Compton lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. For more information about Tree of Stars and Jessica's outreach projects, please visit the following:
Instagram: @treeofstarsontour
Facebook: Tree of Stars
Tree of Stars Linktree: Tree of Stars
YouTube: Tree of Stars