Every moment of every day you make a choice. You can select pain and frustration or happiness and joy. Are your choices helping you, or are they keeping you small? Join podcast host, meditation instructor and author Tomás Garza as he takes you on a spiritual deeper dive, and reach the next level in your personal growth. Allow yourself to open to a whole new level of experience. Gain confidence, true power, and certainty. Make the simple choice. Decide to Transform.
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Awilda Rivera Prignano- How Do You Show Love--And Accept It?
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Awilda Rivera Prignano is the bilingual Author of the children's book Loving Lulu (Lulu Amorosa in Spanish.) The story mirrors her own life experience with a relative experiencing dementia. If you have ever seen a family member go through this, you can attest to the heightened emotions and the challenges involved.
One of the greatest challenges, and one Awilda addresses directly, is how to express Love, and how to do it in a way that the family member can relate to it, and receive it.
Overall, the challenge is to stay connected. Awilda helps us address this challenge by encouraging us to look at the situation from the lens of a child. How does a child show Love? What activities does a child engage in? As adults, we can replicate these, and provide both connection and healing for everyone involved.
There are many ways to show Love. Join us on this very special edition of Decide to Transform and have your creativity stimulated--as well as your heart.
Awilda Rivera Prignano was born and raised in Chicago. She has always had a passion for writing and since childhood, has dreamed of one day becoming a published writer. Her dream came true when she was published in the anthologies Follow it Thru: Obstacles Equal Opportunities (2017), The Real Journey of the Empowered MomBoss (2018) and Your Shift Matters: Resistance to Resilience (2018). Besides writing, Awilda enjoys traveling and exploring new places. As a lifelong learner, she will soon be embarking on an international adventure and will be living and working in different countries around the world. Awilda engages very easily with everyone she meets and her mission is to inspire through her storytelling the values of love, kindness, and compassion for others.
To learn more, please visit www.lovinglulu.com .
Awilda invites you to visit lovinglulu.com for her FREE ebook In the Kitchen with Abuelita, a bilingual recipe book (English and Spanish) from her own family!
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Seth Leaf Pruzansky- Take Responsibility--For Everything
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
At the heart of all personal growth and spiritual development is taking responsibility. When people say they "own" something in this sense, it means they take responsibility for it. We create our own experience.
This means we own both the beautiful and the horrendous in our lives. We also own our perception of experience as either beautiful or horrendous, and everything in between. No matter how much we would like to believe otherwise, we are not victims of circumstance. We are calling the shots here, and true growth and personal empowerment means a willingness to recognize this ownership, this authorship if you will.
Even in the most difficult of circumstances, we can all claim responsibility for our own experience. This leads to profound change.
Seth Leaf Pruzansky, my guest on this edition of Decide to Transform, has learned this lesson well. Growing up, Seth had a number of profound experiences of our divine origin. As a young man, however, he disconnected.
Feeling "different" and rejected by society, Seth tried to suppress his feelings. He became a junkie. He spent five years in prison for a marijuana-related offense. He experienced some very low lows.
Curiously, these lows allowed Seth to understand the depths of human suffering. This activated his compassion, and he began a journey of reconnection. He found the way out and embraced it.
Many people in the world proffer solutions to the experience of human suffering. Ultimately, all of them come down to one thing: we have to own it. Nobody placed us here just to watch us flounder. No one is manipulating us like puppets on a string. We have to take responsibility for our entire experience. Yes, this means the dark side, too.
Contrary to what many people believe, taking this ownership is the way out. It jump-starts a process of transformation that leads to the highest highs, to the experience of our Divine Nature.
Join Seth and me for a high-intensity, no-holds-barred conversation about his extraordinary journey from connected to disconnected to connected again. This is a journey every one of us can make. In fact, we are all destined to.
Seth Leaf Pruzansky has learned to masterfully articulate a set of experiential philosophies that enable individuals to move beyond the limitations of collective human consciousness and know themselves as a primary emanation of divine origin.
Seth is the self-published author of the book The Fight to Enlight: Initiation through the Heart Is the Only Way to Win, a successful entrepreneur, performing musician, co-founder of LivingNutz.com, TourmalineSpring.com, and editor of the blog ImAwakeNowWhat.com, a website devoted to globally awakening people to the power residing in their own consciousness.
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Cynthia Gauvreau- Welcome to the Unknown
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
"Welcome to the unknown, where everything is familiar and anything is possible."
This is a favorite saying of my guest on this episode of Decide to Transform, Cynthia Gauvreau of Edmonton, Alberta. The host of the Facebook and YouTube segment Tea with the Universe, Cynthia makes her debut appearance right here as an interviewee. Join us; you will see that she rocks it!
Cynthia has known since she was young that she was different and here to change the world, but only began sharing her secrets with the public in 2016. She is very well-versed in the spiritual realm and uses her intuition and expertise to assist others with unique card and energy readings, meditation, intuitive healing, DNA activation and reprogramming and Trilotherapy. In short, she is a Universal Healer.
Cynthia encourages others to share their story, knowing the world harbors many people reluctant to express their gifts and uniqueness for fear of being judged, singled out, labeled "woo-woo" or some such thing. In reality, the world needs all of us more than ever.
Be Who You Are: that is Cynthia's message to everyone.
In addition to her many services as an intuitive healer, Cynthia is the owner of WandWear Creations, Host of the Facebook and YouTube segment Tea with the Universe, the owner of Wand Publishing and owner and co-creator of The Weekly Wand.
Find Cynthia on Facebook at "Cynthia Gauvreau" and "The Weekly Wand."
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Marybeth Haines- The Cave of Lightness: Ways You Can Help Animals
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Please welcome back Marybeth Haines to Decide to Transform! Marybeth is a highly regarded Author and Animal Communication Specialist, and she returns for an in-depth and uplifting look at ways we human beings can help animals.
Previously on "Guardian Animals of Lightness: Partnering with Animals for Healing" , Marybeth highlighted the significant role animals can bring in healing, and the many gifts they have to offer humans.
In this episode, Marybeth emphasizes some of the many ways we as human beings can help animals. In three real-life stories, hear how three very different animals communicated their own needs and how their humans helped them. As you might suspect, the end result was profound healing for all.
Animals have huge hearts and and are highly intuitive beings. We as humans--particularly if we live with them--can do quite a bit to help animals heal. As Marybeth so correctly states, it is a partnership.
Join us for this episode and enjoy these stories of transformation!
Since 2012, Marybeth Haines, The GAL Who Speaks with Animals, has been working professionally with animals and the humans who love them. In addition to being an Author and Animal Communicator, Marybeth is a Pet Bereavement Specialist, Ordained Minister and Speaker. She has published 3 books on helping adults and children heal from the death of a beloved pet.
Animals communicate with us in many ways, and always with love and it has been Marybeth's intention to help others in healing that is needed after a loved one has passed away.
Marybeth is very excited to connect with you and looks forward to sharing with you all the many gifts animals have to share as our teachers, guides and so much more.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thegalspeaks
Website: www.thegalspeaks.com
Email: thegalspeaks@gmail.com
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Jason B. Kendrick- In the Flow: Getting Comfortable with the Un-Comfort
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
What does it mean to find yourself in the Flow? What is the Flow, exactly?
If you have ever wondered about this, join me on Decide to Transform as I welcome Communications and Mindset Specialist Jason B. Kendrick. Jason focuses on helping people heal wounds by sharing their stories and learning to be present. This is part of finding yourself in the Flow: showing up and being fully present.
As Host of the podcasts Connection Café and Madmen of Masculinity, Jason focuses on healing the father-son relationship, on helping fathers and sons bridge communication gaps, which are often significant. Learning to be present and sharing our human experiences are significant components of this journey.
In any healing journey, we as human beings have to work on getting comfortable with discomfort, with the "Un-comfort," as Jason puts it. Healing journeys involve facing the "ick." They all involve taking a long and hard but compassionate look at our dark side and deciding to move beyond it. We learn to look at life through a point of choice. In other words, we have a choice. Every moment. Every day.
By choosing healing, we enter the Flow. By choosing yet again, we remain in it.
Jason B. Kendrick is a Communications and Mindset Specialist, Author, Speaker, Reiki Master, Heart Core Communications Trainer and Heart Centered Living Practitioner. He offers himself to the world in Love and Service to cultivate Peace, Love, and Joy within all he works with.
Jason is a contributing Author to the newly-released international compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now, a selection of 16 stories of massive personal transformation from authors worldwide. Available now in paperback and ebook!
Break Down to Wake Up: Order Here
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Dr. Roxana Roshon- Permission to Live, Laugh, and Have Fun
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
You hereby have permission to live, laugh, and have fun.
Why do you need this? Well, we all have it, but we need to give this permission to ourselves. Are you feeling that you're too often serious in life? Too bound up, fettered? If so, you'll want to tune in to this inspiring and funny episode of Decide to Transform.
Joining me as my guest is Dr. Roxana Roshon, an Energy Medicine practitioner formally trained in Botany, Ecology, Toxicology, and Environmental Biology.
Roxana loves to laugh--you will hear it on the show! She recognizes something we all recognize if we think about it--that laughter can uplift the mood for individuals and shift the energy in groups. She uses laugher as a healing modality in a similar fashion to how it has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures (find out more by listening!)
Laughter is indeed healing. In fact, it is some of the best medicine there is.
It is also the most fun. If you need some healing, a release of tension, and just an overall positive experience, come have fun with us! Tune in to this joyful episode.
Dr. Roxana Roshon is formally educated and trained in all the scientific disciplines mentioned above. She has been studying and practicing Energy Medicine for more than ten years, having made the switch as a result of her own healing journey in which her chronic allergies, asthma, and immune system imbalances were cleared.
Roxana has a very unique laugh; people can track her down by following the sound of her delight. As she releases a deep belly laugh, even strangers approach her. Decades ago, she was asked by a group of community actors to come to all their performances so that other patrons could absorb and mimic her enthusiasm.
Roxana understands that life is a balance between the heavy and light emotions. As we evolve as a species, humanity is ready for more love, light, play, laughter, acceptance, joy, and understanding in our lives.
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Dawn Bates, The Molecule-Shaker
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Dawn Bates is currently sailing around the world, and joins me on this episode of Decide to Transform from Brazil.
Dawn lives by the wind, literally, and spends 4-6 months in a country on the average before moving on again. She recently came to Brazil from Argentina. Born in the UK, Dawn intends to sail all the way around the world on a journey that will take several years.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live this kind of life, and if you have ever held yourself back by saying "I can't" or "No way could I do that," Dawn invites you to ask yourself: if you did do it, what would it be like? Ask yourself, then sit in that feeling. Dawn lives that feeling every day.
As an international best selling author, author coach and strategist, and ghostwriter, Dawn works with people who are ready--and I mean really ready--to expand their brand and engage in a deeply transformative process. This process is not for the faint of heart: Dawn holds a reputation for "truth-slaying," and has recently been dubbed a "Molecule-Shaker." In other words, work with her and prepare to be rocked.
Please enjoy this wonderful and lively conversation with Dawn Bates, the Molecule-Shaker.
In addition to being an international best-selling author, author coach and strategist and ghostwriter, Dawn Bates is an online entrepreneur specializing in developing step change strategies and global visions, underpinned with powerful leadership and profound truths.
Dawn's expertise lies in making you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth.
Contact Dawn at www.dawnbates.com
Dawn has contributed a chapter to the soon-to-be international best-selling compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now, available now on ebook (the paperback version will be released on November 22, 2020.)
Pick up a copy of the ebook by visiting www.dawnbates.com .
Break Down to Wake Up brings together 16 authors from five different continents sharing their personal stories of massive transformation, from the depths of human experience to lives full of joy, abundance, and purpose. These are powerful and visceral tales--pick up your copy today!
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace
Join Author and Parent Advocate Arlene Wallace for this illuminating six-part series on Intentional Parenting. Arlene boldly shares the challenges she faced and mistakes she made on her journey of parenting her son Noah, now 23. As a passionate Parent Advocate, Arlene invites all parents to cultivate self-care and self-awareness, build a strong team around you, and to honestly manage expectations, both of yourself and your child. Join Arlene, my Co-Host Lisa Berry, and me on this journey of parenting with intention.
Episode 6: The Pillars of Self-Care for Your Child
We continue our discussion of the Four Pillars of Self-Care in this episode with a special focus on self-care for a child. As a parent, and one who is always teaching your children, it is absolutely your responsibility to practice self-care. By practicing it yourself, you teach your children to do the same.
The Four Pillars of Self-Care (which we also discussed in Episode 5) are:
1) Awareness (of what is going on/ surroundings)
2) Acknowledgment (of areas that need to be addressed/need attention)
3) Addressing (giving attention, the application of intent)
4) Accepting (asking for and receiving help, acknowledgment that you don't always have all the answers)
Intentional Parenting must include self-care. In teaching self-care to your children, many specific areas warrant consideration. In this episode, Arlene discusses the following:
1) Rest
2) Nutrition
3) Empowering Children (Nurturing Their Gifts)
4) Communication
5) Contribution
In teaching a child self-care, you as a parent are really learning it yourself. When you uplift and empower a child, you uplift and empower yourself. When you speak, you speak into someone's soul. Therefore master your gifts; find the genius in you.
Arlene Wallace was born in Jamaica and now resides in Ontario, Canada. She is the proud mother of Noah, 23, an Educator, and a passionate advocate for all single parents and their children.
In addition, Arlene is a published Author in the compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.
Contact Arlene by phone at +1 416-738-6003.
My Co-Host Lisa Berry is a published Author and Host of the internet radio show Light on Living. Lisa is a trained Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist living in Ontario, Canada.
The international compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now is a collection of 16 stories of growth and intense personal transformation. Available now in ebook, paperback on November 22, 2020.
* As of the time of the recording of this episode, the compilation's working title was Break Up to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace, Episode 5: The Pillars of Self-Care
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace
Join Author and Parent Advocate Arlene Wallace for this illuminating six-part series on Intentional Parenting. Arlene boldly shares the challenges she faced and mistakes she made on her journey of parenting her son Noah, now 23. As a passionate Parent Advocate, Arlene invites all parents to cultivate self-care and self-awareness, build a strong team around you, and to honestly manage expectations, both of yourself and your child. Join Arlene, my Co-Host Lisa Berry, and me on this journey of parenting with intention.
Episode 5: The Pillars of Self-Care
Join Arlene, Lisa and me for a deeper dive into self-care for parents--and for people in general. In Episode 1, we discussed the critical notion of self-awareness. In this episode, we talk about self-care.
Arlene takes us through four critical components of self-care. We like to call them "pillars." Here are the Four Pillars of Self-Care:
1) Awareness (of what is going on, surroundings)
2) Acknowledgment (areas that need to be addressed or need attention)
3) Addressing (giving attention, the application of intent)
4) Accepting (asking for and receiving help, and that one doesn't always have all the answers.)
Tune in to this episode of Intentional Parenting as Arlene takes us through her own journey with her son Noah. Just because a parent falls down on the Pillars of Self-Care does not mean that they have to stay down. Arlene didn't.
Arlene Wallace was born in Jamaica and now resides in Ontario, Canada. She is the proud mother of Noah, 23, an Educator, and a passionate advocate for all single parents and their children.
In addition, Arlene is a published Author in the compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.
Contact Arlene by phone at +1 416-738-6003.
My Co-Host Lisa Berry is a published Author and Host of the internet radio show Light on Living. Lisa is a trained Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist living in Ontario, Canada.
The international compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now is a collection of 16 stories of growth and intense personal transformation. Available now in ebook, paperback on November 22, 2020.
* As of the time of the recording of this episode, the compilation's working title was Break Up to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace, Episode 4: Advocacy and Teamwork
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace
Join Author and Parent Advocate Arlene Wallace for this illuminating six-part series on Intentional Parenting. Arlene boldly shares the challenges she faced and mistakes she made on her journey of parenting her son Noah, now 23. As a passionate Parent Advocate, Arlene invites all parents to cultivate self-care and self-awareness, build a strong team around you, and to honestly manage expectations, both of yourself and your child. Join Arlene, my Co-Host Lisa Berry, and me on this journey of parenting with intention.
Episode 4: Advocacy and Teamwork
Episode 4 of Intentional Parenting with Arlene Wallace covers the critical topics of parent advocacy and teamwork.
Among other things, parent advocacy involves serving as a good role model. Like it or not, we are always teaching as human beings. How we carry ourselves in a given situation means as much, if not more, than what we say. How we show up matters, because those around us are always learning. If we race about confused and in a rage, people--especially children--will learn to behave this way in a similar circumstance. By contrast, if we exude a loving, calm presence, people learn to be calm.
A solid parent advocate also leans on the structure and stability of a team. Who are the people you choose to surround and support you and your child? How stable is this support network? These are important questions to ask, questions Arlene learned to ask over time.
Arlene advises all parents to ask for help. No one can do this alone. It is courageous to ask for help, and very, very important. If you need it, please ask for it.
Arlene Wallace was born in Jamaica and now resides in Ontario, Canada. She is the proud mother of Noah, 23, an Educator, and a passionate advocate for all single parents and their children.
In addition, Arlene is a published Author in the compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.
Contact Arlene by phone at +1 416-738-6003.
My Co-Host Lisa Berry is a published Author and Host of the internet radio show Light on Living. Lisa is a trained Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist living in Ontario, Canada.
The international compilation Break Down to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now is a collection of 16 stories of growth and intense personal transformation. Available now in ebook, paperback on November 22, 2020.
* As of the time of the recording of this episode, the compilation's working title was Break Up to Wake Up: Journey Beyond the Now.